
Board of Regents' Meeting
September 18-19, 2014
激情快播S Recreation Center Room 116
University of Alaska Southeast
Juneau, Alaska


PUBLIC TESTIMONY WILL BE HEARD AT APPROXIMATELY 8:30 A.M. ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2014 AND AT APPROXIMATELY 9:00 A.M. ON FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2014. Sign-up sheets will be available prior to the meeting. The chair will determine when public testimony is closed.

Comments are limited to three minutes per individual or as determined by the chair. Written comments are accepted and will be distributed to the Board of Regents and President Gamble following the meeting. Comments can be sent to


Table of Contents
Agenda - One Document

Meeting Schedule

Full Board Agenda
Academic and Student Affairs Agenda
Audit Agenda
Facilities and Land Management Agenda

Reference 1 - Regents' Policy Revisions 04.02.012
Reference 2 - Regents' Policy Revisions 04.02.032-038
Reference 3 - Regents' Policy Revisions 04.06.140
Reference 4 - Regents' Policy Revisions 04.07.040
Reference 5 - Tuition Rates for Academic Year 2016
Reference 6 - Proposed Modifications to the 激情快播 Scholars Program
Reference 7 - 激情快播S Undergraduate Certificate in Medical Assisting
Reference 8 - 激情快播S Deletion of Early Childhood Programs
Reference 9 - 激情快播A Post-Graduate Certificate in Speech-Language Pathology
Reference 10 - Regents' Policy Revisions 04.04.047
Reference 11 - PCR 激情快播A KPC Kenai River Campus Student Housing Complex
Reference 12 - PCR 激情快播A KPC Kenai River Campus Career & Technical Education Center
Reference 13 - PCR 激情快播F Irving I Repurposing for Veterinary Medicine
Reference 14 - SDA 激情快播S Juneau Campus Modifications 2014-2016 Phase 1
Reference 15 - Regents' Policy Revisions 05.11
Reference 16 - 激情快播 Bunnell Park Disposal Plan
Reference 17 - 激情快播 Purchase of Bragaw Street Vacant Lot
Reference 18 - 激情快播 Purchase of a Four-unit Condominium Complex
Reference 19 - 激情快播 Foundation FY15 Budget
Reference 20 - Regents' Policy Revisions 02.02.017
Reference 21 - Regents' Policy Revisions 04.04.022
Reference 22 - Regents' Policy Revisions 04.04.030
Reference 23 - Regents' Policy Revisions 04.04.040
Reference 24 - Regents' Policy Revisions 04.04.056
Reference 25 - Regents' Policy Revisions 05.10.025
Reference 26 - Regents' Policy Revisions 09.02.080
Reference 27 - Regents' Policy Revisions 09.11.010
Reference 28 - Regents' Policy Revisions 09.12.010 and 05.10.070
Reference 29 - Regents' Policy Revisions 10.09.010

Addendum 1 - Teacher Preparation Programs
Addendum 2 - First Review of FY16 Operating Budget
Addendum 3 - First Review of FY16 Capital Budget and 10-Year Capital Improvement Plan
Addendum 4 - 激情快播 Development Report
Addendum 5 - Presentation from the University of Alaska Southeast
Addendum 6 - Delta Mine Training Center Acquisition Information Item
Addendum 7 - Faculty Workload Assignment Process
Addendum 8 - Contracting Developmental Education Information Item
Addendum 9 - Program Review and Accreditation Report
Addendum 10 - Academic Program Review Flowchart
Addendum 11 - Credit Transfer Report
Addendum 11a - Credit Transfer Report II
Addendum 11b - External Credit Transfer Report from WICHE Institutions to 激情快播
Addendum 12 - Review of Regents' Policy Revisions 05.12
Addendum 13 - 激情快播 Timber Statement of Intent
Addendum 14 - IT Security Update
Addendum 15 - State and Federal Broadband Update
Addendum 16 - Administrative IT Summit
Addendum 17 - 激情快播A Alaska Airlines Center Information Item
Addendum 18 - 激情快播A Engineering and Industry Building Information Item
Addendum 19 - 激情快播A ConocoPhillips Integrated Science Building Re-Commissioning Information Item
Addendum 20 - 激情快播F Engineering Facility Information Item
Addendum 21 - Deferred Maintenance Spending Report
Addendum 22 - Construction in Progress
Addendum 23 - Common Issues and Risks
Addendum 24 - 2014 激情快播 Identity Theft Prevention Program Report
Addendum 25 - 激情快播 Audit and Consulting Services Annual Report

Written Reports:
Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education Report
Athletic Report
Chancellors' Reports
Governance Report
Labor Relations Report