Sabbatical Leave​

  • Professional development leave
  • Increase faculty member's value to the University
  • Improve and enrich programs

Dean or Director

Sabbatical Leave Details

  • Studying
  • Formal education
  • Research
  • Other scholarly and creative activity
  • Professional value experience
  • May or may not include travel

Sabbatical leave may be granted for one academic year or an equivalent

  • Cannot exceed 6 months salary or one semester equivalent
  • Faculty may accept fellowships, grants-in-aid, or earned income pending Chancellor approval
  • After sabbatical, employees are obligated to return to work at the University for at least one (1) appointment period
  • Failure will require full repayment of salary and benefits

Chancellor can make exceptions for extenuating circumstances.

  • Details the professional activities and accomplishments
  • Required within 3 months of returning from sabbatical



  • Faculty who have completed five (5) consecutive years of service within the University system
  • Can request another Sabbatical after five (5) consecutive years of service within the University system after the previous sabbatical's date of return

Submitted to the Chancellor through appropriate channels.