President Pitney Announces Extension of Administrative Furloughs for FY 22

After careful consideration and consulting with the chancellors, President Pitney has decided to extend a systemwide furlough in FY22 for senior leadership positions, including officers, senior administrators and non-represented faculty administrators although chancellors may decide to exempt certain positions.  

The furloughs will impact approximately 180 people, including President Pitney, the chancellors, deans, directors and faculty who hold significant administrative leadership roles. 

Designated officers of the university will incur ten (10) furlough days and designated senior administrators and non-represented faculty serving in leadership roles will incur eight (8) days. 

The total budget impact is anticipated to be $775,000.

"I know this is difficult news to receive, especially after a challenging year managing through a pandemic and successive years of budget reductions," Pitney said, 鈥渁nd I appreciate all you have done to serve our students and to keep the university running smoothly. "

Future cost-reduction measures will be considered before the final FY22 budget is adopted by the Board of Regents at its June meeting.

More information can be found here