Performance Evaluations

March 3, 2023

HR has finalized a condensed, user friendly version of the performance evaluation process that is more concise and requires fewer steps to be completed in My激情快播. This updated process is available for FY23 evaluations starting Wednesday, March 1, 2023.

Training on how to prepare for performance evaluations, supervisors responsibilities, and the condensed steps in My激情快播 will be available beginning Tuesday, March 7, 10:30-12pm. For more training dates and times and to sign up for this training please visit . If none of these dates and times work for you then there will be a recording of the training in the training listing in My激情快播.  

While we would like all employees and supervisors to utilize the my激情快播 tool for performance evaluations, we realize that some may prefer a paper form. For those employees and supervisors completing the Paper Performance Evaluation Form, updates have been made to the form to better align with the rating system from My激情快播.