SAA November Highlights

SAA Highlights for November 2020

  • SAA discussed the planning for this year’s Longevity and Outstanding Employee Awards event, which usually takes place in the spring but was delayed due to COVID. This event will be held virtually on December 11th at 11:00am - mark your calendars!
  • SAA is doing an Adopt-a-Family holiday giving effort both in Fairbanks and in Anchorage. More information on how to contribute to this effort coming soon.
  • SAA discussed sending out a COVID-related survey to all SW staff. The survey has been drafted and will be sent out in the coming weeks.
  • President Pitney was a guest at the meeting. She spoke about the Foundation transition, her philosophies on the structure of the university and of Statewide, the new CITO John Boucher, the status of the Digital Transformation Readiness Assessment started under President Johnsen, and the role of new hire David Bishko. 
  • SAA discussed the resolution they passed on Nov. 2 regarding shared governance in decision making.
  • SAA discussed the upcoming SW Administrator Position Review. Monique Musick will be SW Staff’s representative on the review committee, and their first meeting will be held the first week of December. The review committee is made up of four staff, one from each campus plus Statewide, and three faculty, one from each campus.
  • SAA discussed possibly forming an ad-hoc committee to review SAA’s structure and membership. It was decided to postpone this discussion until we have a better idea of the impacts of the Foundation transition.
  • A reminder that new HR trainings for supervisors and non-supervisors are now available, more information here: /news/hr/supervisor-training.php
  • SAA discussed the recent BOR meeting, where the FY22 budget proposal was passed and the first of the Did You Know series was presented. If you know of anything cool or exciting happening in your area of the University that you think would make a great feature for the Did You Know series, contact Monique Musick or Erin McGroarty.

SAA will meet next on Monday, Dec. 14 at 10 a.m. (Zoom information will be posted on SAA’s website /governance/saa/).

All staff are encouraged and welcome to attend. Please reach out to​ ​SAA representatives with questions about any of the above, or to share your ideas and/or concerns.