FY22 Open Enrollment is coming soon!

Mark your calendars, as Open Enrollment is less than one month away! 

We'll be sending out more information in the coming weeks to help you get prepared to have a successful enrollment, but here's what you can do now!

Check Your Current Benefits:

One of the best ways to prepare for this year's OE is to check your current enrollments and determine whether you need to make any changes. Follow the steps below to view your current benefit enrollments. 

  1. Click "Employee Services" 
  2. Click "Benefits and Deductions"
  3. Click "Health Insurance" to view your current health plan enrollment 
  4. Click "Flex Spending Accounts" to view your current Flexible Spending or Health Savings Account contributions 
  5. Click "Miscellaneous" to view your current supplemental life insurance enrollments 

Have questions on what plan might be right for you? Contact DirectPath! They can help you navigate through the University's plans and determine what might be the best fit for you. Visit on the Benefits Website for more information!

Keep an eye on your inbox for more Open Enrollment information coming soon!